Reviews Index
News and Reviews

BrendoMan's Videos and Movies

Reviews, Commentary, and more....



02.24.02- Let me tell you a story.  It's about a guy who sat down and wrote over 50 reviews of videos he had watched.  He put a couple on his website, and before he could put the rest up, his hard drive crashed.  Poor guy.  To tide you over until I get it in gear, I put up some movie review and preview feeds.  They are in the News and Reviews section.  There's also an entertainment feed in the In the News section of EDGEwise. 

4.28.01-Posted first commentary

4.22.01-Check out the review index for all the reviews.  There will be more posted as time goes on.  My first commentary will be up in the next week.  Do you have a video or movie review or commentary?  Send it!




My thoughts on today's videos and movies --Brendan 4.28.01